Information & Analysis Center

The New Hampshire Information & Analysis Center is a cooperative effort under the New Hampshire Department of Safety between the New Hampshire State Police and New Hampshire Homeland Security & Emergency Management.

The New Hampshire Information & Analysis Center is a cooperative effort under the New Hampshire Department of Safety between the New Hampshire State Police and New Hampshire Homeland Security & Emergency Management. The Center was established as an all-crimes/all-hazards, counter-terrorism information and analysis center providing strategic and tactical information directed at the most serious threats to the State of New Hampshire and its people. The Center monitors information from a variety of open and classified sources, analyzes that information, and provides an information product that will serve public safety and private sector interests whose mission it is to serve the homeland security, public safety and emergency management needs of their constituents and the State of New Hampshire. The Center assists in the development and use of meaningful, real-time metrics in the effective and efficient deployment of public safety resources.

The Center subscribes to the philosophy that Homeland Security begins with Hometown Security and that each of us play an important role keeping our nation and communities safe. The Center is a resource to help New Hampshire residents do their part in keeping New Hampshire safe. People may contact the Center when they observe or learn of suspicious behavior that may arouse their concern. Information shared with the Center will be evaluated and referrals will be made to the appropriate agencies.

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Call 9-1-1 to report all suspicious incidents or unusual activity that may require immediate police response.

Call 9-1-1 to report all suspicious incidents or unusual activity that may require immediate police response.

Mission Statement

To provide an integrated, all-crimes/all-hazards, information sharing network to collect, analyze and disseminate information derived from multiple sources to stakeholders in a timely manner, in an effort to protect the citizens and the critical infrastructure of New Hampshire, while ensuring the protection of civil rights and civil liberties.